Scientific Name – Picea orientalis
Oriental Spruce are native to The Caucasus and north east Asia and were first introduced to the UK and Ireland in 1839 and are now frequently found throughout the British Isles.
The bark of young trees is grey – fawn and roughly speckled. Older trees have pinkish – brown bark that has narrow, circular cracking forming regular, small raised plates. Trees have a narrowly conic growth pattern and older trees are densely branched. Younger trees have a more open canopy with long slender shoots that are often curved and twisted. Tiny leaves are shiny dark green and nearly square in cross section. Trees grow slowly when young and old but rapidly between 10 and 50 years to a maximum height of 35 m under condition sin the British Isles.
The trees listed *Champion are considered to be among the finest of their species to be found in Europe