Also known as the Pleasure Grounds, the Arboretum at Woodstock was the focus of a considerable amount of exotic tree planting during the 19th Century. The area which is located on gently rising ground was chosen to display the choice trees to their best advantage. An important component of the Pleasure Grounds were the Rhododendrons, […]
It was observed by William Miller following a visit to Woodstock that the trees did not do very well at first, making little ‘new growth and got rusted , which was owing to the wet, ingenial nature of the soil and subsoil’. However when the new head gardener, Charles McDonald, arrived at Woodstock in 1860, […]
The Noble Fir Walk (Abies Nobilis) The Noble Fir Walk, was for years wrongly identified as The Silver Fir Walk. During tree surgery works, foliage was taken and identified as being that of the Noble Fir (Abies procera). This walk was the last great work to the ornamental planting in the grounds made by William […]
Cut Leaf Beech Scientific Name – Fagus sylvatica var heterophylla ‘Asplenifolia’ The European beech is a native tree of most of temperate Europe from Norway to the Mediterranean and south to northern Spain. In Mediterranean regions it occurs only at higher elevations and in western and central Europe it grows on a wide range of […]
European Larch Scientific Name – Larix decidua The European Larch is the only deciduous conifer. It is native to the Alps of eastern France, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Southern Germany, the Sudetan Mountains of the Czech Republic and the Tatra mountains of Romania. It is now widely grown as a commercial forest crop. Introduced into the […]
Monterey Cypress Scientific Name – Cupressus macrocarpa Monterey Cypress occurs naturally in only two groves – Cypress Point and Point Lobos on Monterey Bay on the central coast of California and is now almost extinct in the wild. It is however wildly grown in many in many parks, gardens and churchyards in Ireland and the […]
Western Red Cedar Scientific Name – Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar are common along the western coast of North America stretching from Alaska to California. Western Red Cedars are most often found in parks or gardens in the UK and Ireland while they have also occasionally been used as a forest crop. Bark is a […]
Chilean Myrtle Scientific Name – Luma apiculata Chilean Myrtle is native to Chile and Argentina and is seldom more than a large shrub outside its South American home. It is frequently found in Ireland most often colonizing shrubberies in the south west and is confined to the extreme south and west of the UK. It […]
Sawara Cypress Scientific Name – Chamaecyparis pisifera Native to Japan, it is uncommon to find this tree with a number of cultivars such as ‘Plumosa’ being a lot more common and regularly located in parks, gardens and churchyards. Sawara Cypress has a rich chestnut brown bark with narrow, deep fissures that run parallel to one […]
Himalayan Hemlock Scientific Name – Tsuga dumosa Native to the eastern Himalayas, this is a rare tree that is more common in Ireland than the UK – with only a few trees in south west. The bark on old trees is similar to that of old larch trees – pinkish, heavily ridged with wide, shallow […]